Kathrin & Stefan: The Lounge
Kathrin & Stefan: Our "Apartment"
Kathrin & Stefan: Clearance for Takeoff
Kathrin & Stefan: Evening mood
Kathrin & Stefan: The first abseil
Kathrin & Stefan: A quick tour through the valley
Kathrin & Stefan: Paul abseiling
Kathrin & Stefan: Big spider
Kathrin & Stefan: Kathrin admiring the cave entrance
Kathrin & Stefan: One of the many caves
Kathrin & Stefan: Kathrin and the stalagtite/mite
Kathrin & Stefan: Fragile
Kathrin & Stefan: Glowworm Heaven
Kathrin & Stefan: Glowworm closeup
Kathrin & Stefan: On the way to Mangapohue Natural Bridge
Kathrin & Stefan: Mangapohue Natural Bridge
Kathrin & Stefan: Marokopa Falls
Kathrin & Stefan: Kathrin at Marokopa Falls