MS KRYSTEE CLARK: Stealth bus for the Trip to City Hall
MS KRYSTEE CLARK: Supporters gather for the Trip to City Hall
MS KRYSTEE CLARK: Bus ride to City Hall
MS KRYSTEE CLARK: Lowell park and ride was the second stop to pick up supporters for a Trip to City Hall
MS KRYSTEE CLARK: SUnland-Tujunga residents and Japanese community members join togetherTrip to City Hall
MS KRYSTEE CLARK: Bus trip to City Hall
MS KRYSTEE CLARK: Our stealth local bus for our ride to City Hall
MS KRYSTEE CLARK: Bus ride to City Hall
MS KRYSTEE CLARK: Trip to City Hall
MS KRYSTEE CLARK: Trip to City Hall
MS KRYSTEE CLARK: Bus ride view of City Hall
MS KRYSTEE CLARK: Trip to City Hall
MS KRYSTEE CLARK: The Voodoo doll was our secret weapon!
MS KRYSTEE CLARK: Lines of supporters wearing red gathered at City Hall
MS KRYSTEE CLARK: Red wearing supporters hit City Hall
MS KRYSTEE CLARK: Trip to City Hall
MS KRYSTEE CLARK: Trip to City Hall
MS KRYSTEE CLARK: Supporters in City Council Chambers at City Hall
MS KRYSTEE CLARK: Nancy Kyoto Oda, of the San Fernando Valley Japanese American Community Center in City Council Chambers at City Hall
MS KRYSTEE CLARK: Supporters in City Council Chambers at City Hall
MS KRYSTEE CLARK: Item #2 on the Agenda
MS KRYSTEE CLARK: Councilman Alarcon in City Council Chambers at City Hall
MS KRYSTEE CLARK: Supporters in City Council Chambers at City Hall
MS KRYSTEE CLARK: Supporters in City Council Chambers at City Hall
MS KRYSTEE CLARK: Supporters in City Council Chambers at City Hall
MS KRYSTEE CLARK: Supporters in City Council Chambers at City Hall
MS KRYSTEE CLARK: Supporters in City Council Chambers at City Hall
MS KRYSTEE CLARK: Alarcon motion in City Council Chambers at City Hall
MS KRYSTEE CLARK: Jan Perry shows support
MS KRYSTEE CLARK: Alarcon in City Council Chambers at City Hall