MS KRYSTEE CLARK: Beautiful weather at The Rockin' K Ranch for the Krystee Clark for City Council Fundraiser and Holiday party
MS KRYSTEE CLARK: Spanish moss on the trees... Krystee Clark for City Council Fundraiser and Holiday party
MS KRYSTEE CLARK: View of the St John's River behind the Rockin' K Ranch for the Krystee Clark for City Council Fundraiser and Holiday party
MS KRYSTEE CLARK: The round table of friends start to gather for the Krystee Clark for City Council Fundraiser and Holiday party
MS KRYSTEE CLARK: Stan Hall starts rocking the guitar... Krystee Clark for City Council Fundraiser and Holiday party
MS KRYSTEE CLARK: Fresh from a "stint" in the hospital, Krystee's dad was ready for some holiday cheer...Krystee Clark for City Council Fundraiser and Holiday party
MS KRYSTEE CLARK: The party guests hovered around the open bar at the Rockin' K Ranch for the Krystee Clark for City Council Fundraiser and Holiday party
MS KRYSTEE CLARK: Karen and Stan Hall performed for the crowd of supporters at the Krystee Clark for City Council Fundraiser and Holiday party
MS KRYSTEE CLARK: Karen Hall got the crowd dancing at the Krystee Clark for City Council Fundraiser and Holiday party
MS KRYSTEE CLARK: Dear friends at the Krystee Clark for City Council Fundraiser and Holiday party
MS KRYSTEE CLARK: Krystee Clark and her dad Ronald E Clark share potluck dinner at the Krystee Clark for City Council Fundraiser and Holiday party
MS KRYSTEE CLARK: Harold and Connie Krupka hosted the event at their Rockin' K Ranch... Krystee Clark for City Council Fundraiser and Holiday party
MS KRYSTEE CLARK: The sun began to set at The Krupka's river ranch for the Krystee Clark for City Council Fundraiser and Holiday party
MS KRYSTEE CLARK: Stan and Karen Hall entertained at the Krystee Clark for City Council Fundraiser and Holiday party
MS KRYSTEE CLARK: Stan and Karen Hall performing for the Krystee Clark for City Council Fundraiser and Holiday party
MS KRYSTEE CLARK: Dear friends gathered at the Krystee Clark for City Council Fundraiser and Holiday party
MS KRYSTEE CLARK: The apple doesn't fall far from the tree! Krystee and her dad at the Krystee Clark for City Council Fundraiser and Holiday party
MS KRYSTEE CLARK: Connie Kryupka and Joe Scruggs at the Krystee Clark for City Council Fundraiser and Holiday party
MS KRYSTEE CLARK: Krystee Clark and Joe Scruggs at the Krystee Clark for City Council Fundraiser and Holiday party
MS KRYSTEE CLARK: Dear friends gethered at the Krystee Clark for City Council Fundraiser and Holiday party
MS KRYSTEE CLARK: The food started to multiply as the guests arrived at the Krystee Clark for City Council Fundraiser and Holiday party
MS KRYSTEE CLARK: The potluck buffet at the Krystee Clark for City Council Fundraiser and Holiday party (Krystee's dad made the delicious twice baked ribs)
MS KRYSTEE CLARK: The potluck buffet at sunset at the Krystee Clark for City Council Fundraiser and Holiday party
MS KRYSTEE CLARK: Krystee Clark gives a speech to her supporters laying out her gameplan at the Krystee Clark for City Council Fundraiser and Holiday party
MS KRYSTEE CLARK: Krystee Clark thanks the crowd for their support and love...Krystee Clark for City Council Fundraiser and Holiday party
MS KRYSTEE CLARK: Harold Krupka and Krystee Clark at the Krystee Clark for City Council Fundraiser and Holiday party (take special notice of Santa riding a Bull on Harold's shirt)
MS KRYSTEE CLARK: Fabulous new friends at the Krystee Clark for City Council Fundraiser and Holiday party
MS KRYSTEE CLARK: Krystee Clark and father Ronald E Clark share a Christmas duet with their friends at the Krystee Clark for City Council Fundraiser and Holiday party
MS KRYSTEE CLARK: Krystee Clark and father Ronald E Clark share White Christmas with their friends at the Krystee Clark for City Council Fundraiser and Holiday party (Thank You Missy Simpson for capturing the moment on your iphone)
MS KRYSTEE CLARK: Ronnie Clark and Missy Simpson at the Krystee Clark for City Council Fundraiser and Holiday party