Bubba Trout: "Sometimes......
Bubba Trout: Shadow Mountain Lake
Bubba Trout: Shine On You Crazy Diamond
Bubba Trout: Your Adventure Begins Here
Bubba Trout: Afternoon Delight
Bubba Trout: "Excuse Me, Were You Looking For Something?"
Bubba Trout: Nice View (part deux)
Bubba Trout: A Grand Pelican
Bubba Trout: mini Cascade Falls
Bubba Trout: Mountain Fever
Bubba Trout: DSC_4296
Bubba Trout: Stop And Smell The Flowers....
Bubba Trout: The Sentry
Bubba Trout: Bite Me!
Bubba Trout: Ducky! No!
Bubba Trout: War Dance Falls
Bubba Trout: "Look Ma, One Of Those Human Things!"
Bubba Trout: "Move Along, It's Not Nice To Stare."
Bubba Trout: GeoDucky
Bubba Trout: Bigfoot Sighting
Bubba Trout: Colorado Rocks (season 2)
Bubba Trout: Payoff!
Bubba Trout: DSC_40570004
Bubba Trout: DSC_40460001
Bubba Trout: DSC_40480002