Krunka: One foggy night
Krunka: Þrándargil - neðsti foss
Krunka: Meeeee ;)
Krunka: Þrándargil - neðsti foss
Krunka: Rústirnar í þokunni
Krunka: Þrándargil - neðsti foss
Krunka: Resting
Krunka: One side of the sheepcote
Krunka: Another side of the sheepcote
Krunka: Blue eyed Blodies!!
Krunka: The Earth seen from the Moon??
Krunka: Þrándargil - mið foss
Krunka: IMG_2946
Krunka: The Stable
Krunka: An old Milk Churn
Krunka: Old Stuff around the sheepcote ;)
Krunka: The Barn
Krunka: Loppa
Krunka: IMG_2936
Krunka: IMG_2938
Krunka: IMG_2947
Krunka: A Nations Pride
Krunka: Lífið hefur sinn vanagang
Krunka: An Old Barracks
Krunka: A Machine??!!
Krunka: A Gate to Eternity
Krunka: Sauðafell
Krunka: Hjarðarholtskirkja