zwstr: DSC05234 Summertime, Helios has found a shady place
zwstr: DSC05257 Bokkenorchis - Himantoglossum hircinum
zwstr: DSC05261I can't make a choice, this one...
zwstr: DSC05283 Or this one!
zwstr: DSC05298 Butterfly-Green-veined White
zwstr: DSC05293 For Janny Brocken
zwstr: DSC05325 Rose, take a look at the louses..
zwstr: DSC05339 Butterfly-orchid
zwstr: DSC05344 Happening, smells good here
zwstr: DSC05346 There are more..
zwstr: DSC05350 Bosparelmoervlinders
zwstr: DSC05361Hello Isis, we are coming soon...
zwstr: DSC05417-4 A rose with an old-fashioned smell
zwstr: DSC05419 Wet flower 1
zwstr: DSC05423 Wet flower 2
zwstr: DSC05284 In close harmony..
zwstr: DSC05280 Rose
zwstr: DSC05261 Orchids
zwstr: DSC05264 Bruin blauwtje (Aricia agestis)
zwstr: 021 Sunset 2
zwstr: 024 Sunset 1
zwstr: 071 Sunset
zwstr: 087 Butterfly
zwstr: 095_1 Tsirp, tsjirp, tsjirp.....
zwstr: 101_2 Heart of a Gazania
zwstr: 111 It's wet today...
zwstr: Autumn
zwstr: DSC06059 Mushroom
zwstr: DSC06111 Scilla autumnalis-Herfsthyacinth
zwstr: DSC06132 Bridge of Millau-1