Krotpong Industries: Eye-Grater.
Krotpong Industries: The Greatest Gift.
Krotpong Industries: The Sunset was WAY Happenin'.
Krotpong Industries: Escape From Monkey Mountain.
Krotpong Industries: Beefwatcher.
Krotpong Industries: Deep in the Arkansas Woods.
Krotpong Industries: Frankenpaw.
Krotpong Industries: Uglyprettyplant.
Krotpong Industries: Colorful Orby Hurlant.
Krotpong Industries: Mr. Shadowscreep in the Desert.
Krotpong Industries: Bangkok Buddhist Temple.
Krotpong Industries: This is Not Photoshopped.
Krotpong Industries: A Ruined Church in Yoakum, Texas.
Krotpong Industries: Euroboy, of Turbonegro Fame.
Krotpong Industries: The Aragon Ballroom. Chicago,Illinois.
Krotpong Industries: Rollin's Band Live at the Axiom. Houston, Texas. 1991.
Krotpong Industries: Beware, the Kraken Awaits.