kroszk@: blue rope
kroszk@: how to use scissors
kroszk@: click to edit
kroszk@: The West End Festival 2@@8
kroszk@: extra day which doesn't exist
kroszk@: egyptian style
kroszk@: it was truly a haven
kroszk@: lunch time
kroszk@: before eating
kroszk@: Sunday in Kelvingrove Park
kroszk@: hairstyle from Egypt
kroszk@: Namma Bay
kroszk@: Beduins restaurant
kroszk@: Cairo trip
kroszk@: Cairo trip
kroszk@: Cairo trip
kroszk@: Cairo trip/Giza
kroszk@: Abu Gallum Safari
kroszk@: Nil/Cairo
kroszk@: snorkeling
kroszk@: morning view
kroszk@: Red sea and blue fish
kroszk@: before snorkeling
kroszk@: day before departure
kroszk@: my way to say im alive
kroszk@: i've seen lights
kroszk@: on a leash
kroszk@: the great escape
kroszk@: superkroszak
kroszk@: head in the clouds