kroszk@: Busy Canals
kroszk@: Still early in the morning
kroszk@: First few miles
kroszk@: Canals
kroszk@: Fort Augustus to Fort William Before start
kroszk@: Fort Augustus Coffee before heading to Fort William🚲
kroszk@: Loch long Wish I had a camera with me. Diving with dolphins
kroszk@: Happy birthday 🚲 to me.
kroszk@: Mushrooming cd.
kroszk@: 2019-08-23_05-28-49
kroszk@: Today's mushroom
kroszk@: 50 shades of gray sky
kroszk@: Mushroom hunting
kroszk@: Went for a cycle
kroszk@: Mushroom foraging
kroszk@: Today's findings are marking one year anniversary since our first mushrooming in Scotland
kroszk@: Exciting
kroszk@: 9 year since my first visit in this spot.19.08.2010 - 20.08.2019
kroszk@: Tayvallich
kroszk@: Cycling in the morning, kayaking until sunset
kroszk@: Crinan canal
kroszk@: Wandering how your mail gets delivered
kroszk@: Crinan 15
kroszk@: Cyclists fuel
kroszk@: Canal
kroszk@: Entrance Crinan canal
kroszk@: Crinan
kroszk@: Bird hide
kroszk@: When I grow up I want to be..
kroszk@: Bird hide