kevinwgarrett: Cindy on the Bus to Skyline
kevinwgarrett: Cindy on the Bus to Skyline
kevinwgarrett: Two Girls on the Bus to Skyline
kevinwgarrett: Two Girls on the Bus to Skyline
kevinwgarrett: Casey with his Enterprise Model as Displayed by Cindy
kevinwgarrett: Casey Ball & Mary Potts
kevinwgarrett: Sweet Deliverance, As Enacted by Casey Ball
kevinwgarrett: Casey Ball on the Bus to Skyline
kevinwgarrett: Vincent Gottschalk Gives Himself Bunny Ears
kevinwgarrett: Scott and Doug with Mr. Collier's Lunchbox
kevinwgarrett: Raiding Collier's Lunchbox
kevinwgarrett: Scott and Bozo Mr. Collier
kevinwgarrett: Scott Shoots Doug with Film Can Tape on Face
kevinwgarrett: Doug... Silence by Ektachrome
kevinwgarrett: Scott in the Cinematography Classroom
kevinwgarrett: Scott with Mary Alexander
kevinwgarrett: Scott with Cupcake and Mary Alexander
kevinwgarrett: Scott with Mary Alexander & Cupcake
kevinwgarrett: Scott in Hallway at Skyline
kevinwgarrett: Skyline Band Member, B. Swafford
kevinwgarrett: Birthday Card for Cindy Schnurr
kevinwgarrett: Continental Adult Movie Theater
kevinwgarrett: Southland Life Building, Downtown Dallas