Krittergirl: Why are you looking at me like that?
Krittergirl: Hairy Woodpecker inspecting the tree limb for goodies!
Krittergirl: Woodpecker pecking on dead tree
Krittergirl: Hairy Woodpecker
Krittergirl: Look at all the snow on the tree this woodpecker is on!!!
Krittergirl: Hairy Woodpecker on Log
Krittergirl: Ummm, nice fresh suet, Krittergirl must have just filled the log!
Krittergirl: Male Hairy getting some peanut butter.
Krittergirl: Little Male Downy at the suet cage trying to keep warm.
Krittergirl: The woodpeckers were sure eating a lot of suet today.
Krittergirl: The peanut butter is sticking to my beak!
Krittergirl: Woodpecker enjoying some suet.
Krittergirl: HMMM, what's up there????
Krittergirl: Woodpecker with a peanut
Krittergirl: Ummm, it's cold today and this peanut butter hits the spot!!!
Krittergirl: I had a nice suet snack, now I think I will take a quick nap!!!!
Krittergirl: I think the woodpeckers were tired today for some reason!
Krittergirl: Thank You Krittergirl for filling my log with nice suet!!!!!
Krittergirl: Another Hairy Woodpecker Shot
Krittergirl: Downy Woodpecker enjoying some suet EXPLORED
Krittergirl: Ummmmm Fresh Suet!!!!
Krittergirl: Woodpecker waiting for peanut butter.
Krittergirl: Woodpecker with a beak full of Suet
Krittergirl: Male Hairy Woodpecker showing his colors.
Krittergirl: Hairy Woodpecker Fledgling
Krittergirl: Young Male Woodpecker
Krittergirl: Young Male Hairy Woodpecker
Krittergirl: You're looking at me and I'm looking at you!
Krittergirl: Another baby Downy
Krittergirl: OOPS, I can't go any farther up!