krisvanhaecht: Love is ... flying to the sea
krisvanhaecht: Love is ... walking to the sea
krisvanhaecht: Love is: An evening hug
krisvanhaecht: Love is: A kiss a day keeps the doctor away...
krisvanhaecht: Love is: wearing same Loom-bands
krisvanhaecht: Love is: Being Sad Together! SOTD
krisvanhaecht: Love is: Reuzekonijn & Slaapbeer zijn gehuwd.
krisvanhaecht: Love = love-seat @ harvard
krisvanhaecht: Love = mother-daughter hug @ harvard
krisvanhaecht: Love = Back home & still in love
krisvanhaecht: Love is: Kissing on a sunny Sunday
krisvanhaecht: Love is: eating Ice-Cream in the sun ...
krisvanhaecht: Love is: hello papsch in neterlant
krisvanhaecht: Love is: a bottle for two
krisvanhaecht: Love is: Dancing
krisvanhaecht: Love= watching IPad together
krisvanhaecht: Love= reading a book for him
krisvanhaecht: Love= reading a book for her
krisvanhaecht: Love= going 4 a swim
krisvanhaecht: Love= Hug of the day
krisvanhaecht: Love is ...Breakfast with friends
krisvanhaecht: Love is: caring 4 your sick brother
krisvanhaecht: Love is: examining your brother
krisvanhaecht: Love is: listening 2 blub blub blub
krisvanhaecht: Love is: Reading a book 4 your baby
krisvanhaecht: Love is: watching tele together
krisvanhaecht: Love is: a Toon & Manon kiss
krisvanhaecht: Love is: holding hands
krisvanhaecht: Love is: kissing mamy
krisvanhaecht: Love is: nose-nose hugging