KristyR929: Evie and Erin kissing
KristyR929: Coco was the first to venture to the door
KristyR929: Evie climbing my arm
KristyR929: Evie on my elbow...
KristyR929: Evie on Erin's shoulder
KristyR929: Evie's closeup
KristyR929: Evie plotting to take over the world
KristyR929: Evie - Let me in!
KristyR929: Evie climbing my arm
KristyR929: Skittles is frustrated!
KristyR929: Skittles is praying for a way out
KristyR929: Evie on Erin's shoulder
KristyR929: Evie eating dried cranberry
KristyR929: Daisy 0828 02
KristyR929: Daisy 0828 01