Kristal: air freshener
Kristal: car wash
Kristal: car wash
Kristal: carwash
Kristal: broken glass
Kristal: echo
Kristal: can you see me?
Kristal: there he is!
Kristal: Where's Echo?
Kristal: reflection
Kristal: I was going to buy the kids a snack but...
Kristal: Feet
Kristal: Change
Kristal: Basket
Kristal: Wash
Kristal: Not working
Kristal: Locks out
Kristal: Trying to score some free soap
Kristal: Laundromat
Kristal: looking
Kristal: slapping bubbles
Kristal: love yourself
Kristal: target
Kristal: to the left
Kristal: to the right
Kristal: All clean.
Kristal: All clean.
Kristal: Washing the car.