kristof ramon: Robert Gesink
kristof ramon: Greg Van Avermaet on his way to the start
kristof ramon: Philippe Gilbert on his was to the start
kristof ramon: Philippe Gilbert interviewed at the start
kristof ramon: Dries Devenyns & Jürgen Roelandts at the start
kristof ramon: Tom Boonen at the start
kristof ramon: a relaxed Alberto Contador at the start
kristof ramon: Philippe Gilbert
kristof ramon: Bradley Wiggins present
kristof ramon: Mark Cavendish at the front
kristof ramon: Holland
kristof ramon: Mark Cavendish at the front
kristof ramon: Belgian fans by the roadside
kristof ramon: Belgian fans by the roadside
kristof ramon: Team Belgium at the helm
kristof ramon: Gianni Meersman & Fummy Beppu in the chase group
kristof ramon: Forza Belgica!
kristof ramon: Philippe Gilbert on the Cauberg
kristof ramon: Dries Devenyns has done his job at the front for most of the day and is cheered back to the pits
kristof ramon: Philippe Gilbert winning the Worlds (as seen from a distance)
kristof ramon: coming across the line as the new World Champion: Philippe Gilbert
kristof ramon: John Degenkolb devestated with 4th place
kristof ramon: John Degenkolb devestated with 4th place
kristof ramon: Taylor Phinney finishing the race
kristof ramon: Fresh World Champion Philippe Gilbert being escorted from the podium
kristof ramon: Philippe Gilbert spotting me after just haven given 27 tv interviews and being excorted to yet another press conference
kristof ramon: golden boy Philippe Gilbert
kristof ramon: Philippe Gilbert at his first press conference as World Champion
kristof ramon: BMC boss Andy Rihs congratulates Philippe Gilbert with the rainbow jersey
kristof ramon: Team BMC very happy with the new World Champion in their ranks