kristof ramon: the world champs Pinky Specialized bike
kristof ramon: that mud looks like...
kristof ramon: Niels Albert showing his new Colnago
kristof ramon: Sven Nys in his new kit
kristof ramon: Zdenek Stybar in his new kit (without the Omega!?)
kristof ramon: Lars Van der Haar mudcleaning after his win
kristof ramon: Lars Van der Haar mudcleaning after his win
kristof ramon: finished
kristof ramon: to blast the shoe
kristof ramon: Reza Hormes Ravenstijn diving into the mudbath
kristof ramon: Christine 'Peanut' Vardaros
kristof ramon: Gabby Day
kristof ramon: Daphny Van Den Brand
kristof ramon: Gabby Day
kristof ramon: Gabby Day
kristof ramon: Pinky Styby & his brand new pinky Spezialized bike
kristof ramon: Zdenek Stybar over the logs
kristof ramon: Sven Nys
kristof ramon: Jonathan Page
kristof ramon: Sven Nys
kristof ramon: Zdenek Stybar
kristof ramon: Sven Nys
kristof ramon: Zdenek Stybar
kristof ramon: Rob Peeters
kristof ramon: Zdenek Stybar
kristof ramon: Sven Nys; winning with his eyes closed
kristof ramon: Kevin Pauwels