cinderella.girl63: My First Very Tiny Christmas Here...
cinderella.girl63: A Forest Lawn Chapel...
cinderella.girl63: Forest Lawn Gate Wreath...
cinderella.girl63: Mom & Dad's Christmas Tree...
cinderella.girl63: Charley Watches the Unwrapping...
cinderella.girl63: Dad Happy with Columbo DVD's...
cinderella.girl63: Charley Relaxes...
cinderella.girl63: Baldes Family Photo...
cinderella.girl63: Family Photo...
cinderella.girl63: Kevin and Charlie...
cinderella.girl63: Kevin, Mindy, and Charlie...
cinderella.girl63: Buddy Waiting for Dad...
cinderella.girl63: Abby Watches Dad & Buddy...
cinderella.girl63: Abby Checks out the Tree...
cinderella.girl63: Long Winters Nap...
cinderella.girl63: Patches Guarding Her Tree...
cinderella.girl63: Abigail Checking Sandy's Tree...