|kristine|: Pose on a post
|kristine|: Happily we bask in this warm September sun, which illuminates all creatures... ~ Thoreau
|kristine|: Heron
|kristine|: A fetching finch
|kristine|: Sweet tweet
|kristine|: Ready robin
|kristine|: High-tailin
|kristine|: Oh hey, Jay
|kristine|: Feathered friends
|kristine|: Itches must be scratched
|kristine|: Perch
|kristine|: Early bird
|kristine|: Towhee
|kristine|: Follow your dreams. They know the way.
|kristine|: Joy comes in the morning
|kristine|: An early morning walk is a blessing for the whole day ~ Thoreau
|kristine|: I just cawed to say I love you
|kristine|: Out to dry
|kristine|: Blue Cormorants
|kristine|: Our truest life is when we are in dreams awake ~Thoreau
|kristine|: The Surveyor
|kristine|: Gray Jay
|kristine|: Heron
|kristine|: Heron