KristiDS: Over Coffee: For IHTSW "Peaceful."
KristiDS: Fallen: For IHTSW? "Creepy."
KristiDS: Perma Smile: For IHTSW? "Close up/ Macro."
KristiDS: Look Me in the Eye! For IHTSW?!? "SOOC."
KristiDS: oOooO. For IHTSW?!? "Circles."
KristiDS: Back light red light!
KristiDS: Icy Walk. For the assignments "Journey" and "Rule of Thirds."
KristiDS: Barbed Diamonds: For IHTSW?!? "Patterns."
KristiDS: A is for Appendage. For AAW "Give me an A" and IHTSW?!? "Danger."