Kristian Johansson: Grass and water
Kristian Johansson: Ørestad Plejecenter
Kristian Johansson: Ørestad plejecenter
Kristian Johansson: Copenhagen Towers
Kristian Johansson: Morning traffic
Kristian Johansson: Autumn colours in Ørestad
Kristian Johansson: Reflections
Kristian Johansson: Reflections
Kristian Johansson: Reflections
Kristian Johansson: Late afternoon in Ørestad
Kristian Johansson: Late afternoon in Ørestad
Kristian Johansson: Architecture in Ørestad
Kristian Johansson: Architecture in Ørestad
Kristian Johansson: Autumn colours in Ørestad
Kristian Johansson: Train in the morning sun