Kristian Bell:
Kristian Bell:
Andalucian Architecture
Kristian Bell:
A frog....nuff said
Kristian Bell:
Puente Nuevo, Ronda
Kristian Bell:
Little Ringed Plover (Charadrius dubius) chick
Kristian Bell:
Coros Peak
Kristian Bell:
Viperine snake (Natrix maura)
Kristian Bell:
Night-time at Number 35
Kristian Bell:
Moorish Gecko (Tarentola mauritanica)
Kristian Bell:
Living the high life: Ibex with calf
Kristian Bell:
El viejito
Kristian Bell:
Andalusian wall lizard (Podarcis vaucheri)
Kristian Bell:
Torcal de Antequera
Kristian Bell:
Perez's Frog (Pelophylax perezi)
Kristian Bell:
European Dwarf Mantis (Ameles sp.)
Kristian Bell:
Baby Barbary Macaque (Macaca sylvanus)
Kristian Bell:
Empusa sp. mantis
Kristian Bell:
Tilt-Shift Turtle
Kristian Bell:
Common Chameleon (Chamaeleo chamaeleon)
Kristian Bell:
Kristian Bell:
Uphill Struggle
Kristian Bell:
Oscellated lizard (Timon lepidus)
Kristian Bell:
Spanish Pond Turtle (Mauremys leprosa)
Kristian Bell:
Kristian Bell:
Perez Frog
Kristian Bell:
Red-rumped Swallow (Cecropis daurica)
Kristian Bell:
Spanish psammodromus (Psammodromus hispanicus)
Kristian Bell:
Little Ringed Plover (Charadrius dubius) chick
Kristian Bell:
Wasp vs Spider
Kristian Bell:
Little Ringed Plover (Charadrius dubius)