Kristi410: Caribou
Kristi410: Bighorn sheep
Kristi410: White sheep
Kristi410: Caribou
Kristi410: Osborn Caribou
Kristi410: Musk Ox
Kristi410: Bison
Kristi410: Bison
Kristi410: Moose!
Kristi410: Alaska Brown Bear
Kristi410: Alaska Brown Bear
Kristi410: Mule Deer
Kristi410: Whitetail Deer
Kristi410: Striped Skunk
Kristi410: Mule Deer
Kristi410: Bison
Kristi410: Moose
Kristi410: Coyote
Kristi410: Spotted skunk and cacomistle (wtf?)
Kristi410: Cottontail rabbit
Kristi410: Black bear
Kristi410: Jack Rabbit
Kristi410: Mountain Goat
Kristi410: White Sheep
Kristi410: White Sheep
Kristi410: IMG_0493
Kristi410: I forgot to get the name of this little fella
Kristi410: Fox (?)
Kristi410: Raccoon
Kristi410: Beaver