Krista.Q: Fish Shack version 2
Krista.Q: Boats
Krista.Q: Morning-on-the-marsh
Krista.Q: View from ferris wheel
Krista.Q: Ferris Wheel off Pavillion Beach
Krista.Q: Clam
Krista.Q: Sea Bubbles
Krista.Q: Gloucester MA.
Krista.Q: Waves after the storm
Krista.Q: Gloucester Boulevard
Krista.Q: Travel Kitty Project
Krista.Q: Gloucester City Hall
Krista.Q: Motif #1 Rockport, MA.
Krista.Q: Buoys on Motif #1 Rockport MA.
Krista.Q: Fun at the fiesta
Krista.Q: "Magnolia Beach" Gloucester MA.
Krista.Q: Kayaks
Krista.Q: Seaweed and ice
Krista.Q: American Elm
Krista.Q: Old house by the marsh
Krista.Q: The annual group pose
Krista.Q: First snowfall
Krista.Q: Rusty wheels
Krista.Q: Foggy morning on the marsh
Krista.Q: Fairlane 500
Krista.Q: First jump
Krista.Q: Hermit crab race
Krista.Q: Talia catching crabs
Krista.Q: Greasy pole flag capture
Krista.Q: The greasy pole walkers