kristanlh: sailing 001
kristanlh: sailing 004
kristanlh: sailing 005
kristanlh: Boy do I miss this little dummy right now. #grumblepup
kristanlh: 'Tis the season for holiday decorations! #grumblepup #dogwreathing
kristanlh: wegmans
kristanlh: Homemade cookies = I am loved.
kristanlh: guest room 01
kristanlh: guest room 02
kristanlh: riley eyes open
kristanlh: Sleep cute. #grumblepup
kristanlh: riley cuddle 01
kristanlh: riley cuddle 02
kristanlh: xmas tree
kristanlh: ticket to england
kristanlh: Fortune cookie wisdom + holiday lights.
kristanlh: "Welcome home. Love, Texas."
kristanlh: Replacement pup!
kristanlh: Of course I did. #macarons
kristanlh: Empty when I got there but then it filled up and I bumped into a bunch of people I knew! #localfoods #houston
kristanlh: Duck sandwich and creamy lemongrass soup. #localfoods #houston #onthetable
kristanlh: It's been a little over a year since I started Instagramming, and I've picked up so many techniques and ideas from the people I follow. These highlights capture my life: home, travels, food, and the #grumblepup. I hope to enjoy more in 2014. Happy New Yea