|kris|: Village weaver, non-breeding male (Kenya)
|kris|: African sacred ibis, foraging in mud flats (Kenya)
|kris|: White-eyed slaty flycatcher (Kenya)
|kris|: Speckled mousebird (Kenya)
|kris|: Terracotta Army, close-up of one of the warriors (Xi’an, China)
|kris|: Terracotta Army, life-size terracotta warriors in battle formation (Xi’an, China)
|kris|: Terracotta Army, life-size terracotta warriors in battle formation (Xi’an, China)
|kris|: Terracotta Army, life-size terracotta warriors in battle formation (Xi’an, China)
|kris|: Cotton-top tamarin (Singapore)
|kris|: Common club tail or Asian Tiger, male in Hangzou Xixi National Wetlands Park (China)
|kris|: Crimson marsh glider, male (China)
|kris|: Rock formations inside the Reed Flute Cave in Guilin (Guangxi Province of China)
|kris|: Inside the Silver Cave (Guangxi Province of China)
|kris|: Inside the Silver Cave (Guangxi Province of China)
|kris|: Bamboo-rafting along the Li River (China)
|kris|: the Li River at ‘20 Yuan Point’ (China)
|kris|: Luzon bleeding-heart dove (the Philippines)
|kris|: Coleto (the Philippines)
|kris|: Zebra dove (Singapore)
|kris|: Lineated barbet at Bukit Batok Nature Park (Singapore)
|kris|: Laced woodpecker, male at Sungei Buloh Wetlands (Singapore)
|kris|: Laced woodpecker, chick in nest at Sungei Buloh Wetlands (Singapore)
|kris|: Red grasshawk dragonfly or Common parasol, male (Singapore)
|kris|: Spine-tufted Skimmer, male at Central Catchment Nature Reserve (Singapore)
|kris|: Sunda flying lemur or Malayan colugo, at Bukit Timah Nature Reserve (Singapore)
|kris|: Asian sacred lotus, pink flower (China)
|kris|: Asian sacred lotus, white flower (China)
|kris|: Asian sacred lotus, seed capsule (China)
|kris|: Tamil festival in Little India, George Town (Malaysia)
|kris|: Cave Temple Perak Tong in Ipoh (Malaysia)