Krishna De: Examples from the Irish Blogosphere
Krishna De: Examples from the Irish Blogosphere
Krishna De: Examples from the Irish Blogosphere
Krishna De: Waiting for the conference to begin
Krishna De: DSC00734
Krishna De: Delegates
Krishna De: Delegates
Krishna De: The room begins to fill up
Krishna De: Delgates
Krishna De: Joe Zefran of RTE
Krishna De: Joe Zefran of RTE
Krishna De: Panel discussion with Joe Zefran of RTE and Donnacha DeLong of Amnesty International
Krishna De: At the back of the conference room there is lots of activity
Krishna De: Damian O'Broin of Ask Direct
Krishna De: Damian O'Broin of Ask Direct
Krishna De: Zack Exley
Krishna De: Delegates
Krishna De: Somon McGarr and Fergal Crehan
Krishna De: Simon McGarr and Fergal Crehan
Krishna De: Simon McGarr
Krishna De: Simon mcGarr talks about the law and blogging
Krishna De: Zack Exley
Krishna De: Zack Exley
Krishna De: Zack Exley shares his perspective on the Obama campaign
Krishna De: Zack Exley shares case studies from American politics
Krishna De: Panel discussion
Krishna De: Panel discussion
Krishna De: Engaging the delegates
Krishna De: Delegates at the conference