Krish | കൃഷ്‌: Caparisoned elephant
Krish | കൃഷ്‌: Adamant elephant
Krish | കൃഷ്‌: Decorated Elephants at the Festival.
Krish | കൃഷ്‌: Elephant decorations.
Krish | കൃഷ്‌: Decorated elephants at a Festival.
Krish | കൃഷ്‌: Bathing of Elephant.
Krish | കൃഷ്‌: Need a break?? (Elephant)
Krish | കൃഷ്‌: Let me complete my meals.(Elephant)
Krish | കൃഷ്‌: Pose of Elephant.
Krish | കൃഷ്‌: Elephant bathing at Pond.
Krish | കൃഷ്‌: At the feet of Tuskers.
Krish | കൃഷ്‌: Under Tuskers' protection.
Krish | കൃഷ്‌: Boarding the Jumbo.
Krish | കൃഷ്‌: Elephant at Tipu's Fort.
Krish | കൃഷ്‌: Pushing the wheels of Divine Chariot.