Kris_Butler: Japanese mask from the US for a German boy.
Kris_Butler: House warming toast
Kris_Butler: I'm not sure why it's funny.
Kris_Butler: I want to move into this tiny tree house.
Kris_Butler: Tree house buddies
Kris_Butler: The fast way down
Kris_Butler: Way cooler than any egg, weber, or any other grill I've used
Kris_Butler: BBQ in the country before the wedding
Kris_Butler: Kapelle 13
Kris_Butler: Gate to Ohlsdorf
Kris_Butler: Treehouse sushi place in Hamburg
Kris_Butler: My first real Berliner Weisse. In Berlin. Ohne schuss.
Kris_Butler: So- signal guy store sells a beer that you can take to the street.
Kris_Butler: He lost something.
Kris_Butler: They were mashing in, and the smell was heady.
Kris_Butler: What's this?
Kris_Butler: You know it's a tall crane when you have to use panorama vertically.
Kris_Butler: An art beer! I had one and then went to the shop.