Kris_Butler: Middle stop of Slither 2016: Banyan in South End, with Alastair as always! (We are holding beer slushies. You're going to have to go yourself.)
Kris_Butler: Slither first stop: Hojoko for some cup sake.
Kris_Butler: Sake and fernet slushy? Yes, I'm afraid so. A must have!
Kris_Butler: Some notes a student made in my CCAE Beer & Art History class- love it!
Kris_Butler: Nu Bar has local beer.
Kris_Butler: It took Quebecois visitors to get me out of Cambridge to visit Trillium- yum!
Kris_Butler: More adventures with Quebecois: Bog Iron in Norton with brewer Brian.
Kris_Butler: A tour of Bog Iron for the Quebecois!
Kris_Butler: A hearty pre-beery tour breakfast at Tatte on Broadway.
Kris_Butler: How do you get one of these fabulous glasses? You take one of my classes at Cambridge Center for Adult Ed!
Kris_Butler: Food for four, eaten by two.
Kris_Butler: We brewed the beer- now it has a label! My first label.
Kris_Butler: The Best Of Show judges at the 2015 Boston Homebrew Competition
Kris_Butler: Boston Homebrew Competition is well under way at the offices of Holland & Knight
Kris_Butler: I will never figure out where to look on an iPhone camera
Kris_Butler: Max and Gavi at Picco