Krikor A.: “O My God, shine Your light and truth to help me see clearly” Psalm 43:3a
Krikor A.: They’ve been sharing this life for quiet sometime and they’ve been sharing it with love, patience and sacrifice.
Krikor A.: Hold me tight and never let me go. Take me with you on your journey around the world.
Krikor A.: Train of thoughts. Sometimes you want them to be stopped and sometimes you don’t.
Krikor A.: Sometimes in the middle of all the noises around and all these people passing by you just stop, look up to the sky and isolate yourself with the clouds up there.
Krikor A.: Reflections.
Krikor A.: Majestic
Krikor A.: Cracks
Krikor A.: Where do you look for your shelter?
Krikor A.: Bricks, tower, blue sky and the warmth of the sun.
Krikor A.: “I love those who can smile in trouble, who can gather strength from distress, and grow brave by reflection....” Leonardo da Vinci
Krikor A.: Cadre
Krikor A.: Childhood
Krikor A.: Somewhere
Krikor A.: Family on the move
Krikor A.: “Wherever there is faith as slender as one strand of a spider's web, there the fullness of redeeming grace is active." - John Murray
Krikor A.: Serenity hills
Krikor A.: “Not everything old and damaged is ugly and a sign of weakness. Many times they are signs of wisdom and signs of making through toughest of conditions and coming out on top.”