Kirsi L-M: Niagara
Kirsi L-M: Niagara tourist boat
Kirsi L-M: River
Kirsi L-M: I guess the waterfall was a bit bigger after all
Kirsi L-M: A small waterfall back there
Kirsi L-M: Something Tiny
Kirsi L-M: Jasper & Co
Kirsi L-M: Eiffel
Kirsi L-M: Eiffel in the distance
Kirsi L-M: Gargoyle
Kirsi L-M: Menton
Kirsi L-M: Ihanat naiset rannalla
Kirsi L-M: Harbour wall
Kirsi L-M: Viaduct
Kirsi L-M: Cacti
Kirsi L-M: Alley
Kirsi L-M: Tunnel
Kirsi L-M: One small glimpse of a big city
Kirsi L-M: Up in the mountains
Kirsi L-M: Perched on the cliff
Kirsi L-M: Maybe he's thinking about getting a mule
Kirsi L-M: Lunch on the Chinese wall
Kirsi L-M: Rain or shine...
Kirsi L-M: Baby carriage
Kirsi L-M: On guard
Kirsi L-M: Wandering the wall in wonder
Kirsi L-M: Taking a break
Kirsi L-M: Sugarloaves in the mist
Kirsi L-M: Out in the fields
Kirsi L-M: Riverside carriers