kreynard: Unidentified Stranger gets a spike souvenir
kreynard: railroad spike being assisted in leaving its tie
kreynard: Wilderness Trail
kreynard: Railroad spike, pre-acquisition
kreynard: Brook, Pemi Wilderness
kreynard: Water and rocks
kreynard: First bridge of the day
kreynard: More rocks, water, and mountains
kreynard: Now we're hitting the Wilderness
kreynard: Hiking Companions on a snack break
kreynard: a study in brown
kreynard: Fungus
kreynard: Fungus (detail)
kreynard: You are Here.
kreynard: Andy knows where we are.
kreynard: Shyeah, right.
kreynard: Old railroad trestle
kreynard: The bridge we took across
kreynard: footbridge support, trestle in background
kreynard: Footbridge and trestle
kreynard: Below the bridges
kreynard: Hanging out
kreynard: Tom communes with the trestle
kreynard: Nature fights back
kreynard: Below the trestle
kreynard: Suspension Bridge
kreynard: Warning - no heavy hikers
kreynard: Do you want to try to cross this river without a bridge?
kreynard: Andy braves the wibbly wobbly wilderness bridge
kreynard: Stabilization Structure