desertdutchman: Atascosas hikers
desertdutchman: Atascosas 1
desertdutchman: Agave clinging to rocks
desertdutchman: Atascosas rock ledge 2
desertdutchman: Atascosas rock ledge 3
desertdutchman: Atascosas rock ledge 1
desertdutchman: Feeling completely safe with this guard rail
desertdutchman: Mica the Desert Dog
desertdutchman: Waiting patiently for the straggler
desertdutchman: Lizard 2
desertdutchman: Thistle Blossom with orange bug
desertdutchman: Range cattle drinking at the tanque
desertdutchman: Gnarled oak tree bark
desertdutchman: Sotol shoot about to blossom
desertdutchman: Sotol leaves
desertdutchman: Lichen closeup
desertdutchman: Lichen on rocks 2
desertdutchman: Old things pass away, behold all things become new
desertdutchman: Funnel Web Spider
desertdutchman: Seeds 1
desertdutchman: Lichen on rocks
desertdutchman: Atascosas with contrail
desertdutchman: half mile sign
desertdutchman: Atascosas lookout sign
desertdutchman: View from Atascosas
desertdutchman: Thistle Splendor
desertdutchman: Thistle Budding
desertdutchman: Thistle Bud