DevilsChariot: Drinking leads to embarassing situations
DevilsChariot: Zac crafts a hand
DevilsChariot: Tricia cuts out some bones
DevilsChariot: Mixing up the celluclay
DevilsChariot: Patty corpses a skull
DevilsChariot: Finding the right pose
DevilsChariot: Mache on the the man eating flower
DevilsChariot: Old man Cappy chilling in the shade
DevilsChariot: This corpse will be dragging away a fake trick or treater
DevilsChariot: Mache party picnic
DevilsChariot: Craig busts out a ground breaker in 3 hours!
DevilsChariot: Patty's Killer D's
DevilsChariot: Patty's Killer D's
DevilsChariot: I also, drink, the blood
DevilsChariot: Where is my mind? Oh it's over here.
DevilsChariot: Black light bugs and a heart, drying on the hedge
DevilsChariot: Smokin hot mama (in blue) and Patty chills in the summer shade
DevilsChariot: Next hummingbird who comes by, yessss, I will eet him
DevilsChariot: Let the flashing fly. Dremel dis bitch!
DevilsChariot: Tricia creating some giant venus fly traps
DevilsChariot: first casts from new mold
DevilsChariot: first casts from new mold
DevilsChariot: Frame of Firebringer
DevilsChariot: Frame of Firebringer
DevilsChariot: Frame of Firebringer - Pelvis
DevilsChariot: My first ground breaker
DevilsChariot: Kendra paints the man eating flower
DevilsChariot: Kendra paints the man eating flower
DevilsChariot: Zac's Fountain Zombie
DevilsChariot: Zac's Fountain Zombie