Josh Merrill Photography: Nature's Necklace
Josh Merrill Photography: American Hoverfly
Josh Merrill Photography: Hine's Emerald
Josh Merrill Photography: Calico Wide-Angle Clos-Up
Josh Merrill Photography: Calico Pennant-Male
Josh Merrill Photography: Early Morning Calico
Josh Merrill Photography: Dew drop grass blade
Josh Merrill Photography: Black Saddlebags
Josh Merrill Photography: Relentless Carnivore
Josh Merrill Photography: White-Faced Meadowhawk
Josh Merrill Photography: Hine's Emerald- In-Flight
Josh Merrill Photography: Lancet-Tipped Darner
Josh Merrill Photography: Least Skipper Butterfly
Josh Merrill Photography: Whimsical Dew Drops
Josh Merrill Photography: Shadow of a Damsel
Josh Merrill Photography: Halloween Pennant
Josh Merrill Photography: Tiger Swallowtail Butterfly
Josh Merrill Photography: Great Spangled Fritillary
Josh Merrill Photography: Mr Blue Dasher
Josh Merrill Photography: Frosted Whiteface and Chalk-Fronted Corporal
Josh Merrill Photography: Calico Pennant
Josh Merrill Photography: Northern Crescent Butterfly
Josh Merrill Photography: The Eye of the Frog
Josh Merrill Photography: Midland Clubtail