Yagoda.: Cute boy.
Yagoda.: Lady in red.
Yagoda.: Interesting couple with umbrella.
Yagoda.: Antique shop .Антикварный салон.
Yagoda.: Bar. 33.365
Yagoda.: Сharacter2
Yagoda.: Painter of Arbat street.
Yagoda.: He's looking for new victim.
Yagoda.: A burden of one's own choice is not felt/Всё своё,беру с собой
Yagoda.: The same clothes?/Одинаковая одежда?
Yagoda.: Well-fed spiderman./Упитанный человек-паук.
Yagoda.: Samurai soul.13/2.365
Yagoda.: At Rome./Посиделки в Риме.
Yagoda.: The newly married couple is buying tickets./ Молодожены покупают билеты.
Yagoda.: Child's happiness.
Yagoda.: Let's go.
Yagoda.: It's your baby!/Это твой ребенок!
Yagoda.: Girl with umbrella.
Yagoda.: Strong girl./Засосало.
Yagoda.: Vatican-Shmatican. +)
Yagoda.: Вселенский пох✿изм.
Yagoda.: Sad woman.
Yagoda.: Smiles. Хохотушки.
Yagoda.: Tired./Усталая.
Yagoda.: Restricted area of Neapolitanian dog/Охраняемая зона неаполитанской собачки +)
Yagoda.: Funny ) 13.365
Yagoda.: Everybody wants to love. 22.365
Yagoda.: Goddess.
Yagoda.: Ghost.