T bias: Eleanor in the backyard
T bias: Fresh Strawberries
T bias: Eleanor Filling the Hottub
T bias: Eleanor Looking Under a Rock
T bias: Eleanor at the Bar
T bias: Eleanor at Laurel Track
T bias: Lisa & Eleanor
T bias: Eleanor wearing my sunglasses
T bias: Eleanor holding grubs
T bias: Eleanor on Her Queen Rock
T bias: Eleanor wearing my sunglasses
T bias: The girls taking a break from their lemonaid stand
T bias: Eleanor and Juniper with Cola
T bias: At the barn with Cola
T bias: P1120283
T bias: P1120284
T bias: P1120286
T bias: P1120304
T bias: Eleanor and a catapillar
T bias: P1120307
T bias: P1120308
T bias: Fancy Rocks 02
T bias: El at the track 02
T bias: Fancy Rocks 01
T bias: El at the track
T bias: Eleanor braiding my hair.