Capture the dynamic moment of beautiful creatures:
Great cormorant
Capture the dynamic moment of beautiful creatures:
小鷿鷈 / Little Grebe
Capture the dynamic moment of beautiful creatures:
白鷺鷥 / Egret
Capture the dynamic moment of beautiful creatures:
夜鷺 / Black-crowned Night Heron
Capture the dynamic moment of beautiful creatures:
鳳頭潛鴨 / Tufted Duck
Capture the dynamic moment of beautiful creatures:
黑面琵鷺 / Black-faced spoonbill
Capture the dynamic moment of beautiful creatures:
黑面琵鷺 / Black-faced spoonbill
Capture the dynamic moment of beautiful creatures:
黑面琵鷺 / Black-faced spoonbill
Capture the dynamic moment of beautiful creatures:
翠鳥 / common kingfisher
Capture the dynamic moment of beautiful creatures:
黃尾鴝 / Daurian Redstart
Capture the dynamic moment of beautiful creatures:
黑面琵鷺 -- 2018新年快樂
Capture the dynamic moment of beautiful creatures:
黑面琵鷺 + 大白鷺 / black-faced spoonbill + great egret
Capture the dynamic moment of beautiful creatures:
高蹺鴴 / black-winged stilt
Capture the dynamic moment of beautiful creatures:
蒼鷺 / great blue heron
Capture the dynamic moment of beautiful creatures:
黑面琵鷺 (4) / black-faced spoonbill (4)
Capture the dynamic moment of beautiful creatures:
黑面琵鷺 (3) / black-faced spoonbill (3)
Capture the dynamic moment of beautiful creatures:
黑面琵鷺 (2) / black-faced spoonbill (2)
Capture the dynamic moment of beautiful creatures:
黑面琵鷺 (1) / black-faced spoonbill (1)
Capture the dynamic moment of beautiful creatures:
Diving stage / 水鳥跳水台
Capture the dynamic moment of beautiful creatures:
Depart -- black-faced spoonbill
Capture the dynamic moment of beautiful creatures:
Depart -- black-faced spoonbill
Capture the dynamic moment of beautiful creatures:
Depart -- black-faced spoonbill
Capture the dynamic moment of beautiful creatures:
Great blue heron + Black-faced spoonbill
Capture the dynamic moment of beautiful creatures:
Great blue heron
Capture the dynamic moment of beautiful creatures:
Great blue heron
Capture the dynamic moment of beautiful creatures:
Black-faced spoonbiil
Capture the dynamic moment of beautiful creatures:
Black-faced spoonbiil
Capture the dynamic moment of beautiful creatures:
Black-faced spoonbiil
Capture the dynamic moment of beautiful creatures:
Black-faced spoonbiil