h0n3yb33z: In Thor's Woodland...Porsmork
h0n3yb33z: Porsmork
h0n3yb33z: Inside the gorge of Stakkholtsgja
h0n3yb33z: Seljalandsfoss waterfall
h0n3yb33z: Behind the Seljalandsfoss waterfall
h0n3yb33z: Viking ship in Reykjavik
h0n3yb33z: Viking ship in Reykjavik
h0n3yb33z: Interesting sign...no peeing in the woods!
h0n3yb33z: Nesjavellir geothermal area
h0n3yb33z: Nesjavellir geothermal area
h0n3yb33z: Þingvellir National Park
h0n3yb33z: Photobooth
h0n3yb33z: Þingvellir National Park
h0n3yb33z: Litu geysir - Little geyser
h0n3yb33z: Blue Lagoon
h0n3yb33z: Blue Lagoon
h0n3yb33z: Bæjarins beztu
h0n3yb33z: Almannagjá, Þingvellir National Park
h0n3yb33z: Þingvellir National Park
h0n3yb33z: Þingvellir National Park
h0n3yb33z: Altar in Skálholt Cathedral
h0n3yb33z: Skálholt Cathedral
h0n3yb33z: Blue Lagoon
h0n3yb33z: Blue Lagoon