h0n3yb33z: Corvinus wrought iron gate
h0n3yb33z: Fisherman's Bastion
h0n3yb33z: Vajdahunyad castle
h0n3yb33z: Castle Hill memorial
h0n3yb33z: Covered
h0n3yb33z: Peekaboo!
h0n3yb33z: Old man
h0n3yb33z: Defeated dragon
h0n3yb33z: Feet
h0n3yb33z: Resting
h0n3yb33z: Blind
h0n3yb33z: Blind Justice
h0n3yb33z: Gargoyle in wait
h0n3yb33z: B&W: Foros Church of Christ Resurrection in Foros. Crimea, Ukraine
h0n3yb33z: Kiev, Ukraine
h0n3yb33z: Èze, French Riveria
h0n3yb33z: Monaco
h0n3yb33z: Temple Bar Area, Dublin
h0n3yb33z: The Cathedral of the Holy Trinity, Dublin
h0n3yb33z: Malahide Castle
h0n3yb33z: Malahide Castle, Ireland
h0n3yb33z: Heidelberg Old Bridge Flooding
h0n3yb33z: Heidelberg Old Bridge Flooding
h0n3yb33z: Heidelberg Old Bridge Flooding
h0n3yb33z: Berlin Cathedral
h0n3yb33z: Checkpoint Charlie
h0n3yb33z: Brandenburg Gate and the Platz des 18 Marz
h0n3yb33z: Brandenburg Gate
h0n3yb33z: A statue on the fountain at Gendarmenmarkt
h0n3yb33z: Underneath the Statues of Saints John of Matha, Felix of Valois, and Ivan on Charles Bridge