nwbirdscapes.com: Northern Harrier scolding a Red-tailed Hawk below her
nwbirdscapes.com: Shorty Soaking up Golden Sunlight!
nwbirdscapes.com: Northern Harrier Male
nwbirdscapes.com: Golden hour moment in the life of a Short-eared Owl
nwbirdscapes.com: Spotted Towhee
nwbirdscapes.com: Eurasian Eagle Owl
nwbirdscapes.com: Common Buzzard
nwbirdscapes.com: Golden-crowned Kinglet
nwbirdscapes.com: Canyon Wren
nwbirdscapes.com: Just the right combination of cool water and morning sunshine!
nwbirdscapes.com: Full Gorget Anna's Male
nwbirdscapes.com: Ethereal Anna's Backlighting at Sunrise
nwbirdscapes.com: Backlit Braking Anna's
nwbirdscapes.com: Ash-throated Flycatcher
nwbirdscapes.com: Proud Osprey with Fish
nwbirdscapes.com: Barn Swallow Portrait
nwbirdscapes.com: Rufous Hummingbird on Currants
nwbirdscapes.com: FOS Nashville Warbler
nwbirdscapes.com: American Kestrel in the Rain
nwbirdscapes.com: Red-winged Smoke Rings (cold weather breath)
nwbirdscapes.com: Bald Eagle snatching Shad from The Columbia (4 of 4)