Kevin Pickell: Marshy area a bit after the ridge trail
Kevin Pickell: Marshy area
Kevin Pickell: Resting at the summit
Kevin Pickell: Gibsons view from the summit
Kevin Pickell: Gibsons view from the summit
Kevin Pickell: 180 view from the summit
Kevin Pickell: 360 view from the summit
Kevin Pickell: The summit weather station
Kevin Pickell: The heli-pad, a bit of damage on one side
Kevin Pickell: Inlet view from the heli-pad
Kevin Pickell: 360 view from above the heli-pad
Kevin Pickell: Heli pad at the summit
Kevin Pickell: Steep rope section just before the summit
Kevin Pickell: Steep rope section just before the summit
Kevin Pickell: The rope is in rough shape
Kevin Pickell: Marshy area
Kevin Pickell: Marshy area
Kevin Pickell: End of the ridge trail section, hike to the summit is to the left.
Kevin Pickell: Ridge trail
Kevin Pickell: Weather station and heli pad
Kevin Pickell: Marshy area
Kevin Pickell: End of the ridge trail section
Kevin Pickell: The ridge trail section, looking towards the "Peter's Trail" parking area.