kozyndan: Road to BFE
kozyndan: The long pee
kozyndan: A grand view for a whizzz.
kozyndan: Like sands through the hour glass.
kozyndan: vaguely bodyscape-ish.
kozyndan: shooters in the dunes.
kozyndan: Mesquite Flat Dunes
kozyndan: Giving it a colder tone.
kozyndan: Dune crest
kozyndan: Dunes before sunset
kozyndan: Dunes before sunset (saturated)
kozyndan: Eric shoots
kozyndan: Eric shoots
kozyndan: Sarlacc?
kozyndan: sand patterns
kozyndan: Ripples of dunes
kozyndan: Ripples.
kozyndan: Dune Crest
kozyndan: Morning at Zabriskie Point.
kozyndan: Morning at Zabriskie Point.
kozyndan: You have much to learn, grasshopper
kozyndan: Many colors in them thar' hills.
kozyndan: Layers of of bulging dirt.
kozyndan: Eric shoots
kozyndan: Hills
kozyndan: All is see is butts, butts, butts
kozyndan: The desert's idea of a forest.
kozyndan: Why!
kozyndan: Why, why!?
kozyndan: Maybe the first time i actually saw one of these in the wild.