kozyndan: Our GLAMOROUS accomodations while in Palau (this is in case you wonder how we can afford such trips - functional, not honeymoon style, people.)
kozyndan: glassy water
kozyndan: pee break
kozyndan: Why does it feel SO good??
kozyndan: clear waters
kozyndan: Sunrise reflection
kozyndan: a lovely place to pee
kozyndan: Sallie enjoying the view
kozyndan: in Paradise
kozyndan: Spinner dolphins surfing the prow of our boat.
kozyndan: Spinner dolphin leaping in front of our boat. HEAVEN.
kozyndan: Lunch break at a band bar that appears in the sea at low tide.
kozyndan: I <3 NOODLES
kozyndan: Good Morning!
kozyndan: kozy helping to prepare breakfast
kozyndan: making tea at our little island breakfast stop
kozyndan: Betel Nut
kozyndan: dead
kozyndan: the end of the land
kozyndan: kozy at the tip