kozyndan: Eric ascends off Isla Mujeres
kozyndan: statue off Isla Mujeres
kozyndan: silhouette of kozy and whale shark
kozyndan: kozy and statue
kozyndan: Eric ascending
kozyndan: Underwater statue
kozyndan: rise and shine
kozyndan: kozy confronting whale shark
kozyndan: open wide!
kozyndan: racing
kozyndan: red filming
kozyndan: kozy filming
kozyndan: douglas over whale shark
kozyndan: stop right there!
kozyndan: whaleshark gills
kozyndan: big gulp
kozyndan: frisky remora
kozyndan: kozy free diving
kozyndan: dan and whale shark
kozyndan: whaleshark pass 1
kozyndan: best friends...
kozyndan: oncoming
kozyndan: from below
kozyndan: let me look down yer gullet
kozyndan: Sunrise on the Mexican Caribbean
kozyndan: fashion shoot
kozyndan: Bimbo
kozyndan: handmade toys in the Zona Commercial
kozyndan: whale sharks from topside
kozyndan: Fried Fish at Minino's