kozyndan: erica at sunset
kozyndan: branches in sunset
kozyndan: kozy raising leg at sunset
kozyndan: kozy at sunset 2
kozyndan: kozy at sunset
kozyndan: kozy with cholla cactus
kozyndan: kozy and balloon
kozyndan: erica flying kite at dusk
kozyndan: nick and kozy on rocks
kozyndan: kozy desert run
kozyndan: Pioneertown! Yay!
kozyndan: dawn in the desert
kozyndan: dawn in the desert
kozyndan: Rob atop a rock pile
kozyndan: dawn in the desert
kozyndan: dawn in the desert
kozyndan: the arching tree
kozyndan: the arching tree
kozyndan: wild flowers
kozyndan: dawn in the desert
kozyndan: kozy at dawn
kozyndan: kozy at dawn