Kozma Shots: Who's Speedy?
Kozma Shots: Alley Art
Kozma Shots: Power Lines
Kozma Shots: Brick Wall
Kozma Shots: Building Siding
Kozma Shots: Carpe Lumen
Kozma Shots: PC290231.jpg
Kozma Shots: IMG_1088-2.jpg
Kozma Shots: DSC_2882.jpg
Kozma Shots: DSC_3239.jpg
Kozma Shots: Spiral Stairs in Black and White
Kozma Shots: Staggered Windows
Kozma Shots: Stained Siding and a Dark Doorway
Kozma Shots: The Illusion of a Dream
Kozma Shots: Curved Perspective
Kozma Shots: Window Reflections
Kozma Shots: Light in the Tunnel
Kozma Shots: Iowa State Capitol Dome
Kozma Shots: Vatican Dome
Kozma Shots: The Bridge
Kozma Shots: The Chair in the Yellow Window