Kovis: (偽)HDR / this is NOT a HDR
Kovis: 振翅 / Take off
Kovis: 照亮 / illuminated
Kovis: 楓互槭對
Kovis: 落日‧剪影 / Silhouettes at sunset
Kovis: 夕色‧彩雲 / Burning sky
Kovis: 粉彩 / Pastel sky
Kovis: The time which mosquitos going to work....
Kovis: 華燈初上 / the lamps are just on
Kovis: 雙橋‧倒影 / Reflections of two bridges
Kovis: 日暮之歌 / Song of dusk
Kovis: 閃耀‧城市的光 / Shiny city
Kovis: Radiate
Kovis: 切割 / Divided
Kovis: 深藍之詩 / Poetry of deep blue