Kounellis: Don't mind me
Kounellis: On my mind
Kounellis: Get your ugly head out of the view
Kounellis: Breakfast in Amsterdam
Kounellis: Come back Manny
Kounellis: Driving in Germany
Kounellis: Hi i'm at the zoo
Kounellis: Carefree in the sun and sea
Kounellis: Winter in Athens at Syndagma
Kounellis: Going nuts trying to think of 16 interesting things about me
Kounellis: Gia sou Old Fella
Kounellis: Tagged so My first selfie with remote
Kounellis: Happy in the Sun
Kounellis: Tagged
Kounellis: Under the water
Kounellis: The girl who loves Bokeh
Kounellis: A view of the Harbour