Kounellis: Lorrikeets feast
Kounellis: Kookaburra
Kounellis: Kookaburra close up
Kounellis: Peacock
Kounellis: Noisy minor
Kounellis: Magpie waiting
Kounellis: Lorrie
Kounellis: Loving corellas
Kounellis: Beauty mate
Kounellis: Paddling
Kounellis: Three's a crowd
Kounellis: Which way is front???
Kounellis: Damn pigeons
Kounellis: I love the way you look at me
Kounellis: Hogging the lime light
Kounellis: Pelican can
Kounellis: You're so vain
Kounellis: Flock of Corellas
Kounellis: Doves on the crossbar
Kounellis: New Holland honey eater
Kounellis: Excorsist
Kounellis: King cock
Kounellis: Sulphur crest
Kounellis: King parrot
Kounellis: Standing on the top
Kounellis: White eyes
Kounellis: Golden eyes
Kounellis: Duck and Jonquils
Kounellis: Black is beautiful
Kounellis: The mask of Zorro